5th Edition of the Ladies Rally Vintage Car event

Sunday 16h of September 2018:
Child CARE Monaco presents its Glamorous 5th Edition of the Ladies Rally Vintage Car event...LIMITED PLACES !! The Theme is : SEA, SUN & STRIPES !!!!! nautical touch
A big thank you to the artist ZOIA SKOROPADENKO for the drawing.
A big thank you to our partners and sponsors, Rent a Classic Car, Café de Paris, Horganic Spa & Hair, Riviera Pâtisserie, Castelroc... and many others that you will discover during the day.
Sunday 8:30 a.m departure from Monaco, ( every year we keep the details of the day striclty secret until the DAY !!!) and arrival in Monaco 7:00 p.m.
This day full of surprise will give you the opportunity to drive exceptional cars.
 We have cars available for the event....but you can also drive your own vintage car at least 20 years old.
Like last year there will be the possibility to choose to be driven by a chauffeur and enjoy champagne during the day.
This event is organise to raise funds for our girls school in India.
Pre-reservation start now...3..2..1...GO !!
Reservation before July 31th.

A tombola will be organize during the day.
The winners will receive a Trophy.
We finish the day by a cocktail all together

5th Edition of the Ladies Rally Vintage Car event

Sunday 16h of September 2018:
Child CARE Monaco presents its Glamorous 5th Edition of the Ladies Rally Vintage Car event...LIMITED PLACES !! The Theme is : SEA, SUN & STRIPES !!!!! nautical touch
A big thank you to the artist ZOIA SKOROPADENKO for the drawing.
A big thank you to our partners and sponsors, Rent a Classic Car, Café de Paris, Horganic Spa & Hair, Riviera Pâtisserie, Castelroc... and many others that you will discover during the day.
Sunday 8:30 a.m departure from Monaco, ( every year we keep the details of the day striclty secret until the DAY !!!) and arrival in Monaco 7:00 p.m.
This day full of surprise will give you the opportunity to drive exceptional cars.
 We have cars available for the event....but you can also drive your own vintage car at least 20 years old.
Like last year there will be the possibility to choose to be driven by a chauffeur and enjoy champagne during the day.
This event is organise to raise funds for our girls school in India.
Pre-reservation start now...3..2..1...GO !!
Reservation before July 31th.

A tombola will be organize during the day.
The winners will receive a Trophy.
We finish the day by a cocktail all together

Les étudiants de l'EDHEC Nice soutiennent l'action de Child CARE Monaco

Les étudiants de l'EDHEC Nice soutiennent l'action de Child CARE Monaco.
Andrea Castellini, Jennifer Rodrigues Ribeiro, Laura Beraldo, Théo Quattrocchi, Lamia Bensari, Radia Berrada.

SAVE THE DATE !! Sunday 17h of September 2017.

A big thank you to the artist ZOIA SKOROPADENKO for the drawing.

LIMITED PLACES for the Glamorous 4th Edition of the Charity Ladies Rally Vintage Cars event organised by Child CARE Monaco.

Sunday 8:30 a.m departure from Monaco, ( every year we keep the details of the day striclty secret until the DAY !!!) and arrival in Monaco 7:00 p.m.

This day full of surprise will give you the opportunity to drive exceptional cars.

You can also drive your own car (at least 20 years old).
Like last year there will be the possibility to choose to be driven by a chauffeur and enjoy champagne during the day.

This event is organise to raise funds for our girls school in India.

Pre-reservation start now...1..2..3...ready !!

2016 / Visite de Son Altesse Sérenissime le Prince Albert II de Monaco

Visite de Son Altesse Sérenissime le Prince Albert II de Monaco à l'occasion de l'arrivée de notre 3ème Rallye Féminin de Voitures Anciennes sur la Place du Palais. Ce Rallye Caritatif est organisé pour récolter des fonds afin de soutenir l'éducation des fillettes issues des milieux les plus défavorisées en Inde.

Notre école accueille 90 écolières à qui en plus de l'éducation nous offrons les repas, les soins et les tenues vestimentaires.

2015 / 1700 € pour une école en Inde

De Jeunes talents de Monaco ont donné un joli concert au Théatre des Variétés.....

2015 - Chèque remis par Madame Isabelle Bonnal

Chèque remis par Madame Isabelle Bonnal Direction de l'Éducation Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports pour Child CARE Monaco, lors de la Journée Internationale des Droits de l'Enfant Vendredi 20 Novembre 2015.

Un grand merci à Madame Bonnal grâce à ce chèque nous allons pouvoir aménager notre école de filles à trestha.

2015 - C'était
un honneur....

C'était un honneur dans le Cadre de la Journée Internationale des Droit de l'Enfant d'être Conviée au Conseil National et de représenter Child CARE Monaco. Monsieur Le Président Laurent Nouvion nous a fait un discours sur le lien intergénérationnel à cette occasion.

Journée Internationale Des Droits De L'EnfantJournée Internationale Des Droits De L'Enfant

Nous constuisons une

Since July 2015, we are happy to announce you that we are building a new school as the other was for temporary use.

This new school will be bigger, more addapted and we welcome more girls in 5 classrooms. There will be a dispensary, a kitchen and a nice playground. If the budget permitts,  we will also have a library.
Depuis Juillet 2015, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que nous constuisons une nouvelle école car les locaux de l'actuelle sont pour un prêt temporaire.

Cette nouvelle école sera plus grande, mieux adaptées et accueillera plus d'élèves dans 5 grandes classes.
Il y aura un dispensaire pour prodiguer les soins de bases aux enfants et aux villageois. Si le budget le permet il y aura aussi une bibliothèque.

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